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Your body is the only place you have to live in

And I want to help you make it the best and healthiest place ever

I will create a safe yet dynamic environment to guide you through intelligent movement, increasing your body awareness and enabling mindful connections through your breath.

You will get strong or regain your strength, perfect your sense of alignment and posture, and feel more at one with your body

Core strength is the foundation of all movement and that is why I strongly believe that Pilates is for everyone - men, women, the young and the old, people who have never exercised and those who are professional athletes. No matter your starting point I am here to empower you to move better.


More recently I have also specialised in Women's Health.

As a woman and movement specialist, I know that the female body is both fascinating and complex.

How we move in the different phases of our cycle, seasons, and stages of life truly matters.

I am here to help you figure it all out - pre or postnatal women, perimenopausal or menopausal women, women needing pelvic floor rehabilitation and all women in between.


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Classes & Bookings



  • One to one sessions - dynamic matwork pilates, pre/postnatal pilates, pelvic rehabilitation

      Drop me an email to chat about your goals, needs and availability

  • Dynamic matwork small group 

       Book a single class here

or packages 5 classes and 10 classes

  • Postnatal pilates small group ​

       Book your class here 

For info & queries, please fill in the contact form below.


What they say about the classes

Pascale is a great teacher, whether for private or group class. She has terrific knowledge of anatomy, muscles and movement. Her method is well-balanced and challenging, without causing undue strain.

Julie in Brussels


Get in touch

Get in touch for pre & postnatal pilates classes

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Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more free postnatal pilates classes


About me

My background as a movement specialist

I am a certified Pilates instructor with hours of specialised training and 10 years of teaching in various settings.

Movement of some sort has always been present in my life.

From intense, tireless movement during the years I trained as a dancer, to very basic movement in the years that followed my quitting ballet to switch paths completely and start studying/working. Yet movement was a constant, and it's always guided me both physically and mentally.

I have worked in studio as well as corporate settings, with groups and on a one to one basis. Training with me means you'll be seen, challenged, heard and accompanied every step of the way as creating a connection with you is what passionates me the most.


© 2022 by Pascale Falempin

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